These Are The Signs Your Dryer Vents Need To Be Cleaned

How much attention do you give your dryer? If you're like most people, you probably don't think about it much beyond throwing a load of laundry in and turning it on. However, your dryer is an appliance that needs to be properly maintained in order to function correctly and safely.

One important part of maintaining your dryer is making sure the vents are clean. Over time, lint and debris can build up in the vents, causing a fire hazard. Is it time to clean your dryer vents?

Your Clothes Take a Long Time to Dry

If it's taking longer for your clothes to dry, that's a sign that the air is not flowing properly through the vents. When the airflow is restricted, it takes longer for the clothes to dry. You'll run your clothes through the entire cycle only to find that your clothes are still pretty damp.

The Dryer Gets Too Hot

Another sign that your dryer vents need to be cleaned is if the appliance itself is getting too hot. If you notice that your clothes are coming out of the dryer extremely hot or if the outside of the dryer feels hot to the touch, that's a sign that there is a lint build-up in the vents. This restriction doesn't allow heat to escape, causing the appliance to overheat.

Your Clothes Have a Musty Smell

If your clothes come out of the dryer smelling musty or damp, the air is not cycling through the unit properly. This can be caused by a lint build-up or even a bird's nest in the vents. Always smell your clothes when you take them out of the dryer to make sure they seem to get the airflow they need.

You See Lint Around the Dryer

If you start to see lint around the outside of the dryer or on your clothing after it's been through the cycle, that's a sign that the lint screen isn't doing its job. The lint screen is designed to catch any lint so it doesn't get into the vent system.

Contact an Appliance Service Professional

If you've noticed any of these signs, it's time to have your dryer vents cleaned. You can do this yourself, but it's best to contact an appliance service professional to do the job. They have the tools and experience to clean the vents properly and ensure that your dryer is functioning correctly.

Reach out to a company like Appliance Master to learn more.

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About Me

Correcting Appliance Problems After years of going through and evaluating my home, it occurred to me that there were some different issues with our kitchen appliances. They were in really bad shape, and it was obvious that I either needed to repair or replace them. After talking with a team of professional appliance professionals, I knew that one of the problems was a lack of maintenance over the years. After they replaced our appliances, we learned how to take better care of them to prevent other problems down the road. Learn more about appliance care on this website to avoid spending extra time and money working on your home.

